Work With Us

Initial Nutrition & Lifestyle Consultation – $495

A 90 minute comprehensive exploration of your life’s journey, pinpointing times when you experienced health challenges and/or specific symptoms, what the potential root causes are, and receiving a personalized wholistic program that covers nutrition, supplementation, exercise, sleep optimization, stress management, and reduction in environmental toxin exposure. You will also receive easy to understand education around HOW your symptoms and current health status are connected as well as WHY we are implementing your specific program.
**This service is conducted virtually via a secure and private Zoom session in the comfort of your own home.

Ongoing Nutrition & Lifestyle Coaching Services

During our initial consultation, we will discuss the 3 phases of your customized program, which are iterative and take time to master 1 phase before graduating to the next phase. There are several options available for ongoing coaching to receive further education, support, guidance, resources, and periodic re-assessments to confirm all your hard work and progress.
**These sessions are conducted virtually via a secure and private Zoom session in the comfort of your own home.

    Ongoing 30 min session packages

    • 4 sessions – $418
    • 8 sessions – $780 (discounted)
    • 12 sessions – $1127 (discounted)

    Want to learn more first? Book a free call with Cindi

    Cindi Lockhart


    Meet Cindi

    Integrative & Functional Nutrition Certified Practitioner

    Growing up I was overweight and ate a diet made up of convenient, processed foods. Then, when I was 16 years old, I had a tonsillectomy that resulted in weight loss. Seeing that I actually had muscle beneath my fat was enough to inspire me to abandon the unhealthy habits I had learned — I started exercising regularly, preparing nutritious meals and moving toward a holistic way of living.

    As happy as I was about my new way of life, I was even more ecstatic when I learned I could make a career out of helping others do the same.